Members Support Texas Master Beekeeper Program and oppose Flea Beetle introduction

Among the policy adoptions made by LSBA membership at the annual membership meeting held in Waxahachie this past October 27, was a resolution that the LSBA membership supports the Texas Master Beekeeper Program.

While LSBA members adopted the policy that LSBA opposes the USDA’s proposed introduction of the non-native flea beetle for the purpose of controlling the spread of the Chinese Tallow tree, LSBA membership did not take a position on whether Chinese Tallow should be eradicated or not.

Other policy positions adopted by the LSBA membership are:

  • LSBA opposes the FDA proposed labeling practice stating that unadulterated Honey has added sugar.
  • LSBA supports the repeal of Texas intrastate bee & equipment transport permit and take steps to lobby for repeal with in the 2019 Texas legislative session.