SB 677 is amended in Committee; LSBA changes from Support to Neutral
Senate Bill 677 was amended during Senate Agriculture Committee hearing on March 11th. As a result Lone Star Beekeepers has changed its position from support of SB 677 to neutral on the bill and made its neutral position known during the hearing.
Senator Bob Hall of District 2 introduced SB 677 at the request of the Lone Star Beekeepers Association. As introduced the bill’s scope was the elimination of the permit that beekeepers are required to have in order to cross county lines with bees or beekeeping equipment. The introduced bill can be read at
The scheduling of the Texas Senate Agriculture Committee hearing on Senate Bill 677 spurred other Texas beekeeping associations to propose additional language be added to SB 677.
Other associations were concerned that because of the elimination of $11k per year in permit fees, the Texas Apiary Inspection Service (TAIS) would discontinue maintaining a publicly available list of those offering hive removal services on the Texas Apiary Inspection Service’s website. So, other associations proposed the creation of an optional beekeeper registration program with associated fees in order to make up for the loss of county to county permit fees. Leading the effort to add the fee based beekeeper registration was the Texas Beekeepers Association. In addition to the beekeeper registration, TBA proposed that Senator Hall add 3 other provision detailed below. Senator Hall’s office contacted Lone Star Beekeepers Association about the proposed language changes.
While the language change to SB 677 still repeals the county to county bee transport permit, the substitute bill makes 4 other changes unrelated to the county to county bee transport permit. Those additional changes are: Continue reading “Senate Bill 677 is Amended in Committee”